Our Values
As a Church of England school, we keep Christian values at the heart of what we do.
Every half term, we learn about a different Christian value.
We think about these values as part of our daily worship, where we reflect upon the teachings of Jesus. We also try hard to achieve these values both at home and in school.
Our Worship Board
We have a working wall in our school hall where we record the stories we have been learning about which link to our value, as well as any key ideas or questions we have in worship.
Value of the Term
This term we will be focussing in school on the value Perseverance. We have been thinking about different Bible stories in worship, as well as reflecting on that which we are thankful in classes.
Reflection areas
Every class in school has their own reflection area. We can come here to think about our value and write or draw our ideas, to look at a Bible, or to have some quiet reflection.
Stars of the Week
Each week, teachers nominate one child from their class who has been working hard to achieve our termly value. The children’s pictures are then displayed in the hall, and certificates are sent home.