Redmarley C of E Primary Academy, Redmarley, Gloucestershire. GL19 3HS

01531 650277

Redmarley Church Of England Primary School

Respect. Persevere. Achieve.



Mathematics is an essential part of our lives that we use daily and to this end the purpose of maths at Redmarley Primary Academy is to develop an ability to solve problems, to reason, to think logically and to work systematically and accurately. Our ethos is that all children can be successful in the study of mathematics following the National Curriculum.  We are following a mastery approach where all children are challenged and encouraged to excel in maths.  New mathematical concepts are introduced using a Concrete, Pictorial and Abstract approach; enabling all children to experience hands-on learning when discovering new mathematical topics.  We use numicon in all classes to allow a consistent approach whether in EYFS or Y6. 

The intention of the Maths Curriculum at RPA is for children to be excited by maths.  Developing a positive attitude to this subject is essential; promoting a love of maths and making links to between themes sits at the heart of our maths curriculum.



Fluency is recognised at RPA to be central to the teaching of mathematics across the school.  To ensure consistency teachers follow the White Rose Maths scheme to support their planning, supplementing this with resources such as NRich, Numicon planning and NCETM to support, stretch and challenge all children within the classroom. We have chosen to use White Rose as it underpins are ethos and consistently refers to all approaches. Our coverage document highlights when topics are being taught across the school; in  addition to this we have an agreed calculation policy to ensure a coherent approach is being used to teach the operations across our school.

Lessons use a Concrete, Pictorial and Abstract approach; by using all three the children can explore and demonstrate their mathematical learning.  Together these elements help to cement knowledge so children truly understand what they have learnt.

Children are taught through targeted differentiated small groups within a mixed age group class.  All classes have a working wall where mathematical skills, concepts are recorded acting as a prompt for children to access whenever they need to.  We follow a practice, deepen and apply model where children can consolidate and extend their learning ensuring maths skills are embedded.

Maths homework is based around times tables.

Maths books are marked following the school’s marking policy and any misconceptions are addressed using mop up sessions the following day.

The following assessments take place and are monitored by the maths lead, Head Teacher and CEO.

  • White Rose assessments take place at the end of each unit by the class teacher and are used to inform future planning.
  • Formative assessments are carried out daily through daily marking and on the spot marking in lessons. Records of this are kept in the Class Teacher’s planning book,
  • Termly PUMA assessments are taken three times a year and data is inputted onto our tracking system.
  • Maths books are taken in termly and individual class feedback is given to Class Teachers.
  • Lesson observations are carried out regularly and identified on the School’s Assessment and Monitoring Plan.


Children demonstrate a quick recall of facts and procedures.  This includes times tables.

Children show confidence in the application of maths skills and can talk about Maths and their learning confidently.

Lessons use a variety of resources to support learning.

Mathematical concepts or skills are mastered when a child can show it in multiple ways, using mathematical language to explain their ideas and can independently apply the concept to new problems in unfamiliar situations.

Children show a high level of pride in the presentation and understanding of their work.

Learning is tracked and monitored to ensure that all children make good progress.

When children leave our school they will be at Age Related Expectations or Above.

Children develop a natural curiosity for maths and are ready for their next steps in maths when they leave us.

Maths Fluency

 RPA Fluency progression.pdfDownload
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