Redmarley C of E Primary Academy, Redmarley, Gloucestershire. GL19 3HS

01531 650277

Redmarley Church Of England Primary School

Respect. Persevere. Achieve.

About the PTFA

Redmarley PTFA
Parents, Teachers and Friends supporting a common goal
Having fun along the way!

We are fortunate to have a very active PTFA that has been an integral part of the school community for many years. We have raised thousands of pounds, which has been spent on equipment and resources to enhance the children’s educational experience and the school’s facilities.

The PTFA is not just about fundraising. It also provides closer links between home and school, bringing staff, parents and friends together socially in support of the school, all working towards a common goal. All families are automatically members of the PTFA when their child joins our school and everyone is encouraged to get involved in any way they can.

How we raise money

Like most PTFAs, the majority of our funds are raised through events that we run. Some of our regular events include:

Christmas Raffle
Cake Cafes
Christmas Party
Bags 2 School Collection
Summer Pool Event


Charitable Status - Charity No: 1038158
Redmarley PTFA is a registered charity and this enables us to:


  • Receive charitable donations from local and national companies.
  • Apply to grant-making charitable trusts; most charitable trusts will give grants only to groups formally recognised as charities.
  • Receive donations made through payroll giving and company matched giving schemes.

Apply for Gift Aid – if either or both parents complete the Gift Aid declaration form your donations will be worth a lot more to us.

There are lots of ways you can help, we are always extremely grateful to receive any donations, ideas or offers of help.

  • Help with events
  • Donate prizes
  • Prepare raffle tickets or wrap gifts
  • Volunteer as a committee Member/Officer
  • Attend PTFA meetings to share ideas
  • Offer your/contacts/friends skills
  • Find out if your employer offers matched funding
  • Support fundraising events & bring friends along

 We really couldn’t achieve what we do without the behind the scenes help of parents, teachers and friends.

Committee Members & Meetings

Everyone is welcome to get involved in the PTFA. Each year we appoint 5 volunteer committee Officers to help run our fundraising activities.

There are regular PTFA meetings, usually twice a term, plus smaller working groups may be formed and meet more regularly when planning larger events.   We also have a Pool Sub-committee who manage the running of the swimming pool during the summer term.



Kate Veale

I am Evie and Sophie's mum and they are in Class 1 & 2.  Sophie is in Reception  and Evie is Year 2.



Max Le-Caplain - I am Edison and Georgie's mum.  Edison is in Year 3 and Georgie is in Year 1 

Sophie Turpin - I am Amelia's mum.  Amelia is in Year 3


Shannai Pattinson - I am Shay and Elsie's mum.   Shay is in Year 4 and Elsie is in Year 1



 Becky Batson-Jones  - I am Cape's mum.   Cape is in Year 2 


School Representative 

 Sarah Smith

As the Head Teacher I like to be actively involved in the PTFA, and thank everyone for their continued support.     /       01531 650277